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Told By Artefacts

The stories in conjunction within artefacts had for a great deal determined the museum exhibition layout. All the preserved old equipment were not compressed into the exhibition, and it would have not even been possible within the framework of these interior spaces.

One of the foci, as regards the exhibited set of artefacts, is on domestically manufactured equipment. Displayed are items of basic equipment which proved themselves from different intervals of time -- just the special inventions as well as the curiosities of the time. Including "The Duds", the equipment which were found to be practically useless investment, that is. Among others sprinkler nozzles and standpipe models which freeze up easily belong to this class.

A chapter of their own in history are, as well, the equipment which turned out to have the only real usage purpose that by using them the fire brigade could in any difficult accident situation at least appear to be attempting something. Such can be exemplified by some of the artificial breathing devices from "The Good Old Days" or the jumping sails which caused injuries already during practice, and which would just be of no use in any real situations.

These artefacts also tell about the way evolution tends to go through daring attempts just as well as through perfect failures...

translated from Finnish to English by Péter Volford